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Voluntary School Fund


At Wateringbury CE Primary School we are committed to providing a broad and balanced curriculum for all our pupils creating lifelong memories within a nurturing, supportive environment.

Our Voluntary School Fund exists to increase the educational opportunities for all children in the school.  Your donations considerably enhance the quality of education we are able to provide, covering items that are not normally provided by the school’s designated budget.  The fund helps the school to provide resources and equipment which directly support children’s education, provide additional activities and improve the teaching and learning environment.

Contributing to the Voluntary School Fund is voluntary and all your donations, no matter how big or small, are very much appreciated and invaluable to us. The school respects that a voluntary contribution is discretionary, and that for reasons of principle or affordability, you might not wish to contribute.

However, a regular or one-off donation to the Voluntary School Fund is a fantastic way to show your commitment to Wateringbury CE Primary School, your child’s education and the local community. Thank you for anything you feel able to contribute.  Every penny contributed will be used to promote educational opportunities offered to children in Wateringbury.

A £5 a month donation to the fund is equivalent to 16p a day.

As a charity, we can enhance your donation by claiming Gift Aid relief, so please complete the form below.

Is this just for parents?

No, we welcome donations or sponsorship from any individuals or businesses that would like to support our efforts to enhance teaching and learning opportunities for the benefit of the children. Please email if you would like to support us through sponsorship or a one-off donation.

How can I make a payment?

There are 3 ways to donate:

  1. Personal online banking
  2. School’s online payment system
  3. Standing order

These are all explained in the Voluntary School Fund leaflet which can be downloaded below.

With schools working to an increasingly tight budget, your donation really will make a difference to the educational experience that our school is able to provide for your child.